Monday, April 25, 2011

i miss blogging -.-

hey , it has been a month i havent update this blog .
too busy working kot ,
hehe sebenarnya ada je masa tapi malas+penat
aku dah lama rancang nak resign ,
but when i told my supervisor ,
she told me to keep working until mid may ,
sebab takde org nak ganti ,
i am now working at petronas sg choh
not at serendah anymore .
i was promoted to become 'ketua shift' hehe .
aku mmg nak mintak tuka pun sbb kat sderendah boring gilaa .

two weeks ago i went interview at uitm shah alam .
i got bachelor of science degree architecture course
aku happy gilaa ditawarkan kos tu
architect is my ambition since childhood tau
i was so eager n happy gilaaa when i found out that i got it
tapi tak kompem lagi , baru interview jek :'(
aku berdoa spy aku dapat
i was told that around 300 org yg g intyerview tu
seratus lebih kat shah alam , and the rest kat perak
but for this course ,
they only take 80 over 300 student
wth la kan , mmg tipis peluang aku
so the lucky 80 students tu pulak will be divided into 2 groups
which means 40 students at uitm shah alam
n the other 40 kat uitm perak
so skrg ni aku tggu jelah keputusan akan keluar pertengahan may..

aku dah bosan gilaa kerja weh
macam takde life
i'd miss my school time
aku nak sekolah balik ! to meet my friends , teachers ..
studying together in our beautiful class ,
with our beloved teachers
sharing problems n stories , and gossiping as well ..
but now all that has gone ..
faded away slowly n leaving u
cara aku cakap ni macam dah kehilangan kawan je haha
tapi macam ye je kan ?..........
inilah cabaran baru bagi kita sebenarnya
cabaran utk mendewasakn dan mematangkan kita utk
lebih berdikari pada hari2 yg akan datang ... :)
haha poyo je ayat :p